I did some hard things last year.
- Left the company I helped build
- Created a new company from scratch
- Gave this talk about how software wants to be your friend (3 times!)
- Designed a personal website that *feels* like me.
- Launched a tech cohort with 6 of the coolest nonprofits in the land
- Started the newsletter you are reading
- Landed a few consulting gigs
- Wrote 14 blog posts
- Talked a lot about my shoes on Linkedin (This wasn't actually hard.)
Thanks to each of you for being a part of this journey.
I have big plans for 2025, but I’m really interested in YOUR PLANS. How are you going to become the boss of your software this year?

This ad by one of my favorite software companies struck a chord.

Doesn’t this feel like it could be an ad for Nike? It certainly doesn't send off project management software vibes.
Linear's marketing campaign emphasizes that change is inevitable. “Paradoxically, change is the only constant.” The real question is not whether we change but how we respond to it.
If you are in the mood for change, I created a list of some of the processes, tools, and resources I shared in 2024 that will help you lead the change you want to see in your work this year.
It's go time!

Resources to hit the ground running
- Get specific about the problems you need to solve. Use this framework to build your software shopping list
- Do not seek the mythical “one-stop-shop.” Create a roadmap for choosing and using the software you need in your organization
- When you introduce new software, you create a technology trigger that generates expectations. Manage them carefully
- Software is at its best when it solves a real and present problem today. Release new features on your schedule
- Only collect data if you have a plan to use it. First, ask yourself these questions
Looking for even more resources? I share all sorts of software tidbits on LinkedIn and would love to engage with you there.
Cohort Vol. 2 is coming!
If you’re ready to tackle your tech stack, I’m running another Nonprofit Tech Cohort this year. In it, you’ll learn:
- The building blocks at the heart of all software
- Frameworks for becoming the boss of your software
- How to ask better questions of your data
- Pitfalls to avoid when buying software
- How to set realistic expectations and lead through change
My hope is that you’ll leave this cohort feeling like this person who said:
“I left this cohort feeling moved to ACTION instead of just accepting that this is the way things are when it comes to our tech stack.”
Join the waitlist for the next cohort
Excited for the new year!